Course Objective

C Programming Training Outcomes

1.     Aimed To Prepare You From A Beginner to the professional level JOBS 

2.     Provides A Gateway to an Impressive Career Opportunity In c programming

3.     Become Industry Ready Professionals By Learning Most In Demand c programming 

4.     Build Career Into A Distinguished And Globally Acknowledged programming Platform

5.     Secure an Outstanding Hike of 80 to 100% on any c programmer Job Roles

6.     Enables you to gain complete set of technical expertise to clear interviews

7.     Allow you to explore Most in Demand Modules in c programming

Project Submission on C Programming

1.     Storing elements using arrays in C

2.     Using operators to make comparisons

3.     Using conditional statements to make decisions

4.     Executing code repeatedly using looping statements

5.     Building reusable code using C functions

6.     Passing arguments to C functions on Stack

7.     Combining data of different types using structures and union

8.     Initializing and declaring pointers

9.     Implementing arithmetic operations using pointers

10.  Freeing memory allocated dynamically

11.  Implementing linked list using pointers

Online Evaluation

1.     simulates a real online certification exams

2.     will be presented Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on C Programming Framework Concepts, 

3.     you will be given four options.

4.     You will select the best suitable answer for the question and then proceed to the next question without wasting given time.

5.     You will get your online test score after finishing the complete test.

Become C Language Certified Developer

1.     This course is definitely a value-added and beneficial in terms of programming knowledge and also to the learners’ profile 

2.     Will add benefit in further opportunity searches.

3.     This can be quick or an instant fix without any hands-on experience or practical knowledge on any programming or computer languages 

100% Job Assured on C Language

1.     Pursue a career as Software Developer or Application Developer or Programmer

2.     C Programming software developers gets handsome salary using C programming skills 

3.     Intended to Master You for a Sustainable Career in Most Competitive JOBs

Acent India
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c programming

C Programming Training

A quick introduction to C-language

Dennis Ritchie is the founder of this very useful programming language in 1972.

C is a very basic programming language we can say it is aedifice block for every other language. C is a general-purpose language to know any other programming language one should start from C. It is well known as a system programming language as it is used to form Unix Operating systems. Many Applications like- Application & System Software, Games, Mobile apps, Device Drivers Programming, Embedded Systems, etc are built with c programming language.

What should every programmer know about this language?

As it is a very basic programming language to apprehend any other language, also it has a very vast and deep concept to understand. Every c programmer must and should know about C compiler, platform dependency, how code varies for different OS, pointers, memory management, Data Structure, etc.

Importance of C language

C language plays a key role to learn another language, other than that all entrenched, network level, System-level, Device Driver level coding is done in C language. One can understand the criticality of the C language.

Everyone who wanted his/her career in the IT field especially in a big MNC Company will have below questions in his/her mind,

  • Are you willing to pursue training in the C language?
  • Are you willing to get a certificate after get trained?
  • How to prepare for the C test (Interview Test)?
  • Is a certificate will add an advantage to your career growth?

All your questions are expected but don’t worry you will get your answers.

Today in the world of competition one should stand distinctively otherwise it is very difficult. To pursue training in C language from a training institute like Acent India would be the plus point of any job seeker. And Certificate of training will add uniqueness to one’s profile. In Acent India we provide knowledge in such a way that all students can crack any test or any verbal interview on C language. A certificate always takes a student's profile to the next level so obviously, it plays a major role in one’s career growth.

A training institute in Delhi named Acent India offers nearly all types of long-term and short-term programming languages courses with several industry-level experienced trainers. Real-time environment for trainees to evolve themselves to hit the industry.

Why Acent India is the best training institute in Delhi?

As we all know that today expectation of any company is very high from candidates. Basic knowledge of C is not sufficient. We provide deep knowledge of C to clear any MNC to startup level company’s interview.

With the help of regular tests as well as Mock interviews we will make sure that students will know how to face the interview and how to give the answers

What's the course about

C is one of the basics for modern information technology and computer science. Many working philosophies of IT and CS, such as programming languages, computer architectures, operating systems, network communication, database, graphical user interface (GUI), graphics, image processing, parallel processing, multi-threads, real-time systems, device drivers, data acquisition, algorithms, numerical analysis, and computer game, are based on or replicated in the functionalities and characteristic’s of the language.

It is the base for almost all popular programming languages. Because of the enactment and compactness of C, almost all popular cross-platform programming languages and scripting languages, such as C++, Java, Python, Objective-C, Perl, Ruby, PHP, Lua, and Bash, are instigated in C and borrows syntax and functions heavily from C.

Best C PROGRAMMING training in Delhi provided by Acent India. Acent India Provides Best C PROGRAMMING Training in Delhi. Acent India is one of the most credible C PROGRAMMING training institutes in Delhi offering hands-on practical knowledge and full job assistance with basic as well as advanced level C PROGRAMMING training courses. At Acent India, C PROGRAMMING training in Delhi is conducted by subject specialist corporate professionals with 7+ years of experience in managing real-time C PROGRAMMING projects. Acent India implements a blend of academic learning and practical sessions to give the student optimum exposure that aids in the transformation of naïve students into thorough professionals that are easily recruited within the industry.

At Acent India well-equipped C PROGRAMMING training institute in Delhi, aspirants learn the skills for Introduction to C & C++, The C Language, and its Advantages, Data Types and Variables, Arrays, Pointers, Control-Flow Statements, Operands, Operators, and Arithmetic Expressions on real-time projects along with C PROGRAMMING placement training. C PROGRAMMING Training in Delhi has been designed as per the latest industry trends and keeping in mind the advanced C PROGRAMMING course content and syllabus based on the professional requirement of the student; helping them to get placement in Multinational companies and achieve their career goals.

Acent India is the biggest C PROGRAMMING training INSTITUTE in Delhi with high tech infrastructure and lab facilities and the option of opting for multiple courses at Delhi Location. Acent India in Delhi prepares more than 2000+ aspirants with authorized Microsoft C++ PROGRAMMING certification at reasonable fees that are customized keeping in mind the training and course content requirement of each attendee.

What will you get

A certificate of successful completion of the course 

  • Training from highly experienced C Language Instructors 
  • High-quality course content 


·        There are no such strict requirements for this course, but a basic IT knowledge is expected 

·        The participants need to be able to handle/manage the basic operations of the computer

Target Audience

Anyone interested in a programming career and wants to start with C language can opt for this certification course 

The potential students are – Engineering students, IT students, IT career aspirants 

Why Choose Acent India

  • Acent India is an authorized training partner for the world’s top IT vendors such as Microsoft, EC-Council, Citrix, CompTIA, etc. 
  • Availability of course in various delivery modes
  • A knowledge delivery is critical to the successful completion of the course and Acent India boasts of its highly experienced trainers for the purpose
  • Well-equipped labs at Acent India makes the whole learning environment innovative and motivating
  • The participants to the course get involved in live projects which elevate the overall experience to a practical level
  • At Acent India, the work ethics and values are molded in such a way that inspires to grow and the participants learn something new valuable apart from the curriculum
  • Standard methodology of training would please and instill confidence in you

WHY Acent India’S C Programming COURSE

  • Hands-on coding to learn practical coding.
  • We conduct 100% Practical oriented sessions.
  • We conduct a regular batch as well as a Weekend batch for the C language course.
  • Low C and CPP programming course fee.
  • Trainers are having more than 8 years of experience.
  • Our trainers are enthusiastic to teach our students and always ready to solve your queries.
  • Attend a demo lecture at Acent India and stay connect with us now.
  • Dedicated Placement team and you will get the Course completion certificate.

C PROGRAMMING training course involves "Learning by Doing" using state-of-the-art infrastructure for performing hands-on exercises and real-world simulations. This extensive hands-on experience in C PROGRAMMING training ensures that you absorb the knowledge and skills that you will need to apply at work after your placement in an MNC.

Acent India Delhi is one of the best C PROGRAMMING training institutes in Delhi with 100% placement and academic support. Acent India has well-defined course modules and training sessions for students, CBSE students, developers, web application developers, and web service developers. At Acent India C PROGRAMMING training is conducted during daytime classes, weekend classes, evening batch classes, and fast track training classes.

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C Programming Training Curriculum

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Syllabus of C Programming Training in India
Module 1 : Introduction to Programming
  • ü Compiler, Interpreter

    ü The history of programming 

    ü Machine Language 

    ü Low Level Programming
    ü High Level Programming
    ü Procedure of problem 
    ü Understanding the Problem
    ü List of Variables 

    ü Output Design
    ü Program Development
    ü Testing the Program
    ü Validating the Program 

Module 2 : Algorithm & Flowcharts

 ü   Definition of Algorithm

ü Define Algorithm rules

ü Definition of Flow charts
ü Need of Flow charts

ü Flow chats diagram/symbol
ü A simple example of Algorithm
ü A simple example of Flow charts

Module 3 : C Language Introduction

 ü  Historical Overview of C
ü Characteristic of C Language    

 ü Assembler: Cross Assembler 

 ü Compiler & Interpreter

 ü Linker: Locator &Loader

ü Testing and Debugging
ü Syntax Error, Logical Error
ü C Language Pre-processor
ü C Program Structure
ü Writing a simple C Program

Module 4 : Data Types, Variables & Comments

ü Basic Data Types

   ü Char/short, Int
ü Float, Double
ü Long, Double

ü Introduction to variables

ü Assigning a name to a variable
ü Declaring types of variable

ü Commenting Techniques

Module 5 : IO Statements & Console Functions

ü Character Input

ü Character Output

ü Unformatted String Input
ü Unformatted String Output


ü Formatted Console I/O Functions

ü printf() &  scanf() function
ü Escape Sequences

ü Execution characters

Module 6 : Operators In C Language

ü Operators introduction

ü Arithmetic operator
ü Relational operator
ü Logical operator

ü Bitwise operator

ü Assignment operator

ü Miscellaneous

Module 7 : Conditional Statements

ü Decision Making in a Program
ü If Statement, Multiple if statement
ü If-else statement

ü Nested if-else statement

ü Go to statement,

ü statement

ü Break statement in switch
ü Switch Examples

Module 8 : Looping Constructs

ü Introduction to looping,

ü While Loop

ü Nested do-while loop,

ü  Do-while loop

ü Nested for loop

ü break Statement

ü Continue statement

Module 9 : Array

ü Introduction to Array

ü Introduction to one Dimensional Arrays

ü Array Declaration

ü Declaration of more than One Array

ü Array Subscript and Array Element


ü Array manipulation

ü Operation on Arrays

ü Introduction to 2-D Array

ü Declaring 2-D Array
ü Initializing 2-D Array
ü Accessing  2-D Array

Module 10 : Functions

ü What is a Function
ü Advantages of using functions

ü Classification of Functions
ü Built in Functions
ü User-Defined Functions

ü Standard I/O Functions

ü String Functions
ü Mathematical Functions

ü Date and Time Functions

ü Utility Functions

ü Character Class Test Function

ü Function Definition
ü Accessing a Function
ü Passing Arguments to a Function

ü The return () statement
ü Purpose of return () statement
ü Passing arguments to a function

ü Parameter passing

Module 11 : Pointers

ü Usage of Pointers in C
ü Declaring Pointers in C, Null Pointers ü Pointers vs Arrays, Array of Pointers

ü Passing Pointers to functions
ü Return Pointer from functions
ü Passing Pointer to Pointer
ü References vs Pointers
ü Differentiating reference from pointers

Module 12 : Structure & Union

ü Defining Structure
ü Initialization of a structure
ü Using Structure
ü Initialization of an Array of Structures

ü Arrays within a structure

ü Passing structure to a Function
ü Pointer to structure

ü Union Intro, Defining Union

ü Accessing Union Members

Module 13 : File Handling

ü Read & Write characters

ü Learn to read value other than characters FILE PROCESSING

ü Reading and writing data,
ü Reading/Writing one Character

ü Reading /writing one Line
ü One Block at a Time

Module 14 : Advance Topics

ü Preprocessors, Header Files

ü Type Casting, Error Handling

ü Recursion


ü Dynamic Memory Allocation


ü Command Line  Arguments

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Live Projects

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Job-Oriented Training

Industry-Endorsed curriculum to you job ready professional.

100% Placement Assistance

Opportunity to get placed in top MNCs..

Key Features

  • Online Live Interactive Sessions Available
  • Small batch size: customizable
  • Weekly Assignments provided
  • Topic wise case-studies provided
  • Prime focus on concept building
  • Employability Orientation Sessions
  • Courses are available at reasonable cost
  • In-depth Study Material with practice set
  • Permanent, full-time, highly qualified and dedicated faculty

Frequently Asked Questions

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum

Where does it come from

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Authorised Partners

ACENT INDIA Coaching Institute is Authorised Partner Of Various Leading Global Training Providers



ACENT INDIA Certification is recognized by prominent global corporations across the globe. We offer this certification upon the completion of both theoretical and practical training sessions for both fresh graduates and corporate trainees. The certification from ACENT INDIA holds international accreditation, enhancing the value of your resume and facilitating access to top job positions in leading multinational companies worldwide.

  •  Earn your certificate

    Our Certified SAP FICO Training program is comprehensive, and obtaining this SAP FICO certification serves as evidence of your significant advancement in mastering the field.

  •  Differentiate yourself with a ACENT INDIA Certification

    The hands-on experience and applicable skills you have developed through engaging in projects, simulations, and case studies will give you a competitive advantage.

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C Programming Training Program Certification Process of Acent India

Deliver Projects Assigned

Gather experience with real-world assignments and practical projects to upgrade your existing skills. Complete Real-Time Live Projects assigned and become eligible to get Globally Recognized Certificate.

Earn Training Certification

Post-successful completion of the course & submission of your project, earn Acent India Course Completion Certification. Post it on social media, get it framed, and increase your value in the industry.

Attend Acent India’s Training

Learn from industries best trainers to get dream your JOBS. We Deliver 100% Practical-based training to enable you become industry ready professional.

Get Placed in TOP MNCs

We will prepare your interpersonal skills and develop resume to make you ready for the selection. Trainees are also given Sessions to learn how to face interviews. We will keep sending for interviews by the time you get selected.

Our Leading ITE-UP Companies for Placement

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We deliver corporate trainings solutions to some of India's largest private, public & Govt. Organizations..


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Meet Our Mentors

Preeti Pal

Preeti Pal

Amarjeet Singh

Amarjeet Singh

Professional with more than 9 years’ experience in field of Data Analytics. Worked extensively in Development Reports and maintenance projects of Advanced Excel, MIS Reporting, Power BI, MySQL & has also worked on various projects of Machine Learning.
Professional with more than 9 years’ experience in field of Data Analytics. Worked extensively in Development Reports and maintenance projects of Advanced Excel, MIS Reporting, Power BI, MySQL & has also worked on various projects of Machine Learning.

Vijay Singh

Vijay Singh

Have more than  10 years of experience in  CAD CAM CAE HVAC & Product Management industries.
As a Mechanical engineer with various specializing in CAD/CAM/CAE and project management, I have handled various Projects of  designing and manufacturing  while using CAD, CAM, CAE & HVAC, and managing the entire project from concept to completion. I do have strong understanding of engineering principles and project management methodologies.

Ravi Pandey

Ravi Pandey

Seema Soni

Seema Soni

Professional with 10+ IT and Professional experience in field of Teaching and Development.
Worked extensively in Development Reports and maintenance projects of J2SE.
J2EE & Python, Power BI, MySQL & has also worked on various projects of JAVA.
Professional Enterprises Application and Web Application Developer with the ability to use Hibernate and Spring boot techniques and leverage algorithms to solve real-world business problems. effective predictive models across different industries to accurately forecast consumer
behaviour and deliver proven results.

Anish Sharma

Anish Sharma

Technical expert at Acent India Training and Development since 4 years.
As a technical expert, I have a wealth of knowledge and experience in various fields such as software development using Python,  Object oriented Programming using C++, and MIS using Excel. My expertise allows me to provide unique Corporate & Classroom Training Sessions and solutions to complex problems.
I'm always staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends to ensure that I provide the most effective and innovative training Sessions.
My approach is to work closely with Students & Corporates to understand their needs and goals, and then provide tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements with High classified projects of MNCS and Domestic Industries. I'm dedicated to delivering high-quality Training and ensuring that my Corporates are satisfied with the results.

Rohit Singh

Rohit Singh

Highly skilled and experienced Technical Skills 6+ Years with a history of association with Education Industries (8+ Years) that provide training in the field of Accounting, MIS, ERP, Python, Java Development, & Data Analyses.
Trained 5000+ highly Qualified Students of Colleges and Universities to achieve their Career Goals on Python and Data Analytics.
Heaving 6+years in delivering Trainings to College faculties (FDP) & On-campus Project based Industrial trainings. 
Highly Trained on emerging Tools and Techniques like Internet of Things, with best in industry tools Raspberry Pie, Arduino, ESP 8266  AVRatMega 32+.
Delivered 10+ overseas sessions during Covid and post covid

Rahal Harode

Rahal Harode

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C programming